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Donations & Fundraising
The hard fact of life is that Animal Lifeline, as a charity, has to raise every penny it needs to operate its kennels and save as many dogs as possible.
This means that we must explore and activate all money raising enterprises or concepts which encourage the public to donate, to help keep us going. Listed below are some of the means we currently use. Of course, if you have a great idea – we’d love to hear from you!
Monetary donations are vital to ensure we can always buy dog food, pay veterinary fees, and meet other kennels costs such as maintenance and utilities.
Money acquired through fundraising is that bit more demanding – ideas, time, events, locations, helpers & fundraisers, items to sell and organisation are all required – so although in the end money is raised, it’s a little more demanding than receiving straight money donations.
Monetary Donations
Cheque, money or postal order, bank electronic transfers or simply bringing your cash donation to us at the kennels or our shops are all very obvious ways to support us. There is an IMPORTANT BONUS for Animal Lifeline where money is donated – “Gift Aid”. If you pay tax and will sign a Gift Aid Declaration – Animal Lifeline can claim back from HMRC an additional 25% on the amount you donate – click here for details and to download a declaration form. You can also pick up a form at our kennels or either shop.
For donations direct to our bank you will need these details:
Our Bank –Â Â Nat West Bank
Branch Name –Â High Street, Newcastle-under-Lyme ST5 1PP
Sort Code –Â Â 54-10-27
Account Title –Â Animal Lifeline
Account Number –Â 13725106
Standing Order
Many of our supporters have completed a standing order with their bank payment a regular sum direct to our bank on a periodic basis which suits your circumstances (monthly, quarterly, etc). To join them decide the sum you wish to donate and how often and then instruct your bank by Standing Order – a form can be downloaded here.
 You can simply and quickly donate by clicking the ‘Click here donate now’ panels on the right of most pages across this website. If you have a PayPal account simply login and give details of the sum to be donated and payment method which, of course, includes all major credit and debit cards. If you do not have a PayPal account one can easily be created there.
You can sell items on Ebay to benefit Animal Lifeline. Just list the item and tick the charity box and you can nominate Animal Lifeline to automatically receive the full amount – or a percentage – that the item fetches.
Shopping online with Easyfundraising
Easyfundraising – click here or panel to right – is an online shopping link wherein people can register to support Animal Lifeline and thereafter shop via the Easyfundraising site at virtually all the major online retailers, insurance companies, airlines, hotels and many, many more. There is NO cost to you and prices are as per their websites where you shop as normal, having first logged in at Easyfundraising.
Have a look at this ‘donation option’ – we all shop online these days and retailers will contribute an element of your total bill to us. That all adds up quickly!
Leaving Us a Legacy
Many people choose to have a bequest in their will to benefit causes that have been dear to them over the years. It was a significant legacy that enabled us to acquire and develop our Serendipity kennels.
When you make or rewrite your will, please consider making a bequest to Animal Lifeline us – small or large it will make a significant different and help ensure we can look after dogs long into the future. You can also specify in your Will that in the event of your death, your dog should be given to Animal Lifeline for careful re-homing.  We undertake to care for your dog and try to find it a loving new home, and we guarantee to care for it until we do. We NEVER have dogs put to sleep unless on veterinary  advice.
We have a special leaflet on making a bequest – click here – to see online version.